Amiran Polymer Shrian With Introducing Hafiz Plastics Plastics Providing Polyethylene Pipes and Polyethylene Connectors in Shadabad Tehran
with the production and delivery of the best quality and price with different grade Grades across Country
🔹 Plastic Hafiz, direct production and supply of types of polyethylene and carogiti pipes
Management: Mahyar Shrian
To order and see the product, please visit our website address:
Polyethylene and Carogite Polymer Polymer Pipe Production and Sales Services in Shadabad Tehran:
🔹 Polyethylene pipe manufacturer from 16 to 800 mm // b>
🔹 Sale of buckets
🔹 2 liter bucket
Plastic Injection
🔹 Cheese bucket
> Dairy Packaging
🔹 PP bucket
🔹 Polyethylene bucket
< p> 🔹 2 liter bucket🔹 Major distribution of industrial agricultural pipes and fittings from Shad Abad Plastic Production Collection
🔹 Large Plastic Hafiz Production Group is ready to send quick and low cost to all parts of Iran Dear
Free and compassionate advice to buyers, to experience a reliable and most reasonable purchase. >
Contact us to buy carogite pipe in Tehran:
Polyethylene Fittings in Shad Abad
Manufacturer of Polyethylene Fittings
Agricultural and Industrial Fittings Tube Production Workshop
Order Registration, Pre -invoice, Price Valley Contact the following number:
Plastic Hafiz Plastic Workshop for Agricultural and Industrial Connects (Carogite Pipes and Polyethylene Water, Gas and Basics)
Resistant and anti -impact with a valid national standard, sales representative throughout Iran and neighboring countries Production and loading from factory door if you intend to buy polyethylene pipes
Contact the following numbers.
Immediate submission